MAAT and SEMC signed a cooperation protocol to establish International Alliance for Peace and Development

MAAT and SEMC signed a cooperation protocol to establish International Alliance for Peace and Development

In the context of its call to establish the “International Alliance for Peace and Development”, launched in October 2017,  MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt) signed a Cooperation Protocol with the Studies & Economic Media Center -SEMC (Yemen), in a series of bilateral protocols to be signed with NGOs in Tunisia, Jordan, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Italy, the USA, Morocco, Lebanon, Kuwait, Yemen, Sudan, Sweden, Palestine and Iraq.

The protocol consist the two parties intention to implement activities achieving the Alliance goal represented in improving human rights conditions, supporting peace, and fighting violence, terrorism and intimidation, to work effectively via UN, regional and national forums and mechanisms to stop the practices violating humanitarian values and threatening international peace, as well as calling for improving public policies linked to supporting peace and fighting violence, terrorism and extremism.

SEMC is one of active Yemeni organizations in development filed , promoting values of peace through media, promoting economic and social rights, engaging citizens in policy-making and promoting transparency and good governance.

Mr. Ayman Okeil, President at MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights stated that the signature of bilateral cooperation protocols is the first executive step to the establishment of the Alliance, to be followed by the constitutional conference of the Alliance in the first quarter of 2018 in the UN headquarter in Geneva, where the Bylaws will be adopted and the Board of Trustees will be elected, indicating that the rest of 2017 will witness the signature of a large number of cooperation protocols between MAAT and the organizations hat expressed their interest in joining the Alliance from European, Arab and American states.

Mr. Mustafa Nasr ,the chairman of the studies & Economic Media Center (SEMC) ,stated that SEMC looks for the formation of this alliance to become  an important step to promote the path of peace and development and human rights in the world, pointing to the importance of joint work between civil society organizations at the regional and international levels.

The “International Alliance for Peace and Development”, is based on the CSOs moral responsibility in making peace, as well as the values of rights agreed upon by the world since 1948 and guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reflected in details in the  of human rights conventions and covenants adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in succession, as the Alliance will compose interested organizations in peace, democracy, human rights, and fighting extremism and terrorism issues across the world.