15 Violations against Media Freedom in Yemen during Two Month in Yemen
<img src="http://economicmedia.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/English-400x566.jpg" alt="" width="283" height="400" class="alignnone size-medium wp- ...
Araştırmalar ve Ekonomik Enformasyon Merkezi’ne (SEMC) bağlı Basın Hürriyeti Gözlemevi tarafından yayımlanan raporda, ülkede bu yılın ilk yarısında basın mensuplarına yönelik 53 ihlalin tespit edildiği bildirildi.
http://www.karar.com/dunya-haberleri/yemende-8-gazeteci-olduruldu-907107# ...
Yemen – Country of Concern
Some progress was made – the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) concluded in January 2014, and agreed a number of principles to build the capacity of ...
Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC)
Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC)
http://maktabatmepi.org/ar/content/studies-and-economic-media-center-semc ...
https://eiti.org/sites/default/files/documents/eiti_members_registry_2016-2019_as_at_29_feb_2016.pdf ...
Studies and Economic Media Center
Studies and Economic Media Center works on educating citizens on how to improve the economic system towards transparency as well as taking decisions a ...
Strengthening the safety of Yemeni journalists in Taiz
In a conflict zone, building up the safety skills and knowledge of journalists reporting from the frontline is essential to ensure free flow of inform ...
How is Khat adding to the food crisis in Yemen?
Yemen is already suffering from conflict. Now, in the chaos, khat farming is growing - redirecting resources from much-needed food production.
The c ...
semc in media
https://books.google.com/books?id=R4mlBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=studies++%26+economic+media+center%2B+yemen&source=bl&ots=B-hVeUTEXL&sig=t5SpgmwI ...
Yemen’s Ongoing National Dialogue: Moving Forward
Yemen – CIPE partner the Studies and Economic Media Center and the private sector-led Economic Vision Task Force held a meeting last week with Ministr ...