Economic Indicators Report _ Yemen _September 16

Economic Indicators Report _ Yemen _September 16

The economic, health and humanitarian situation in Yemen has been deteriorating and getting worse day after day for nearly two years of armed conflict. September witnessed an average rise of 4% in the prices of basic commodities, which constitutes a burden on citizens who particularly lives deteriorating economic conditions, lack of salaries and lack of the social insurance that was provided to nearly 1.5 million poor people.

The state stopped the salaries of 1.2 million employees in the civil and military sectors, threatening nearly 7 million Yemeni citizens of real famine , and this demands an urgent intervention for paying salaries of all employees without exception according to the salary statements of pre-war period.

The report, which targets eight Yemeni provinces: (Sana’a, Taiz, Aden, Hodeidah, Marib, Hadramout, Dhamar and Dale’), summarizes the political, security, economic, humanitarian and health situation and deals with basic services, the prices of basic commodities and availability of basic services like water, electricity, oil derivatives and health services, It also deals with foreign currency exchange rates against the Yemeni riyal, in addition to the Yemeni ports traffic. Click to Download the full Report