Revealing irregularities and slowness in implementation:

Earlier today in Sana’a, the “Observers Alliance” to monitor implementing the outputs of the National Dialogue Conference was declared as a coalition. Announcement of the alliance took place along with launching of the first report monitoring, evaluating and following-up on the extent of commitment to implement the outputs of the national dialogue conference’s four cases ( the Southern Issue, Good Governance, Rights and Freedoms, and Sustainable Development).

Earlier today in Sana’a, the “Observers Alliance” to monitor implementing the outputs of the National Dialogue Conference was declared as a coalition. Announcement of the alliance took place along with launching of the first report monitoring, evaluating and following-up on the extent of commitment to implement the outputs of the national dialogue conference’s four cases ( the Southern Issue, Good Governance, Rights and Freedoms, and Sustainable Development).

Mr. Mustafa Nasr, chairman of Studies & Economic Media Center ( SEMC), stated in the ceremony that the establishment of the alliance aims to strengthen the role of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the outputs of the national dialogue through Periodic monitoring reports that determine the extent of the implementation of the outputs of NDC’s following four issues (Southern Issue, Good Governance, Rights and Freedoms, and Sustainable Development) and reveal irregularities and abuses by institutions involved in the implementing the outputs (the Presidency, the government, the National Authority for Monitoring the implementation of NDC outputs, the Constitutional Drafting Committee, the Shoura Council, and the House of Representatives).

The first report that was issued by the alliance revealed large imbalances and slowness in the implementing of the four issues covered. The report showed that the Conciliation Committee, which operates as a national authority to follow-up implementing the outputs of NDC and was formed at the beginning of last April; did not hold any meeting since its establishment.

The report pointed out that the Presidency and government did not make any decisions or actions regarding good governance or rights and freedoms issues, even though the document of national dialogue included 157 legal items and 38 decisions and recommendation regarding good governance, and 16 recommendations regarding rights and freedoms that was supposed to be implemented by the government urgently.

Mr. Sameer Hassen, chairman of Al-Badeel Center for Media & Development, stated that the alliance will work to reveal abuses and non-implementation of outputs of the NDC that was agreed upon by all political parties which is a reference for the construction of the modern Yemeni state. Mr. Hasan pointed out that the community through civil society organizations and the media can watch and monitor the commitment of the institutions involved in implementing the outputs of NDC.

The monitoring report issued by the alliance showed that principles of guarantees of implementing the outputs of NDC, which was agreed upon at the conference confirmed that the good governance is one of the most important factors in this stage, establishing a system of good governance as a framework to the institutions and bodies guaranteeing the implementation of the NDC outputs, but no one of these bodies work aligned to the principles of good governance. In addition, expansion of the Shoura Council was included within the urgent tasks of the transitional period to ensure the representation of all components that participated in the NDC, but until now no Presidential decree has been issued in regard to this matter.

Mr. Emad Al-Dini , chairman of Observers Organization for Independent Media, pointed out that many points of the southern issue have not been implemented until now, especially that related to combating corruption in oil and fishing contracts and the compensation for the victims of looted lands.

Furthermore, Mr. Al-Dini stated that although some presidential decrees and governmental decisions were issued regarding the implementation of the twenty and eleven points of the southern issue, but in reality none of these decrees have been implemented.

Monitoring expert, Mr. Bassam Ghaber explained the methodology of preparing monitoring reports for the before-mentioned four cases, and listed the most important points and imbalances involved in the first monitoring report.

The “Observers alliance” is a civil, neutral, and independent coalition consisting of three civil society organizations in Sana’a , Aden and Hadramout: Studies & Economic Media Center ( SEMC ), Al-Badeel Center For Media & Development, and Observers Organization for Independent Media. The alliance works to monitor the implementation of the outputs of the NDC on the ground, with regard to the before-mentioned four cases (the Southern Issue, Good Governance, Rights and Freedoms, and Sustainable Development).