ERT Sets Economic Recovery Plan

ERT Sets Economic Recovery Plan

Amman-Jordan- The Yemeni Economic Reform Team (ERT) Has Announced That Several Yemeni Businessmen Have Met This Week In The Jordanian Capital, Amman, To Set Out A Six-Month  National Plan To Boost Relief Aid ,Rebuild  War-Shattered Yemen, And Recover The Economy Once The War Comes To An End.
Mr. Yusuf Al-Kuraimi, The Team’s Deputy Head, Said That The Economic Recovery Outline Would See The Private Sector Engaged In Economic Recovery And Reconstructing The Country, Especially As The Government Cannot Alone Provide Enough Rebuilding Resources; Therefore, It Is Necessary To  Heavily Engage The Sector In The Rebuilding Process.
The Private Sector, Represented By The ERT, Is Capable Of Creating Job Opportunities And  Getting The Country Back On Its Feet, He Pointed Out.
The Working Group Debated A Policy Paper Outlining The Measures That Should Be Taken To Resuscitate The Yemeni Economy, With The Document Serving As An Economic  Road Map That Aims At Seeking Mechanisms For Providing Goods, Services And Infrastructure Nationwide. Of The Priorities Set Were The Establishment Of A Consultative Council On Economic Recovery, Laying Down An Effective Communication Plan  And Seeking The Guidance Of Yemeni Business Moguls.
The 25-Member  Team Is An Informal Working Group Involving Yemeni Business Tycoons, Men And Women, All Community Leaders Who Have Worked Since 2007 Towards The Enhancement Of The Private Sector’s Role By Engaging In High-Level Talks Over The Country’s Transitional Period, Including The National Dialogue Conference And The Friends Of Yemen Meeting.
 Over The Course Of The Conflict Raging On In Yemen,  The Team Provided, Through The Private Sector, Goods, Services And Humanitarian Assistance To Citizens Across The Country In The Absence Of The Local Government. It Also Exerted Efforts To Assess War Damage To Private Firms And Factories And Even Documented Some Complaints Filed By Private Companies.
Therefore,  The Private Sector, Represented By The ERT,  Is Keen To Be A Key Partner In Planning For Yemen’s Future And Rebuilding The War-Ravaged Nation While Capitalizing On Its Own Experience To Provide Plans For Economic Recovery And Nation Rebuilding