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ERT Launches Initiative to Alleviate Transportation Barriers in Yemen

ERT Launches Initiative to Alleviate Transportation Barriers in Yemen

The Economic Reform Team (ERT) announced today an initiative to address transport challenges in Yemen, including opening major roads, airports and sea ...
In a Position Paper: SEMC Proposes Approach to Economic Solution and Salary Payment

In a Position Paper: SEMC Proposes Approach to Economic Solution and Salary Payment

On Sunday, the Studies and Economic Media Center issued a position paper on Yemen's peace negotiations and the scenarios of economic resolution consid ...
An Initiative to Develop Coordinated Monetary Policies in Yemen

An Initiative to Develop Coordinated Monetary Policies in Yemen

This initiative is brought by the Yemeni private sector represented by the Economic Reform Team (ERT), supported by the Center of International Privat ...
Study: Cyberbullying against Yemeni Women Journalists

Study: Cyberbullying against Yemeni Women Journalists

The Media Freedoms Observatory in Yemen confirmed the mounting cyberbullying against women journalists in recent years has forced hundreds of them to ...
SEMC Release new report: The Flames of Conflict Reach The 0il Fields In The East

SEMC Release new report: The Flames of Conflict Reach The 0il Fields In The East

Oil is ushering in a new stage of the conflict in Yemen. The Houthi group’s threats turned into drone assaults to halt any oil export from the territo ...
Study :The impact of the war in Yemen on the professional performance of independent media

Study :The impact of the war in Yemen on the professional performance of independent media

The free media is one of the cornerstones of democra- cy and human rights, as no democratic system can be without a free and independent media. Its im ...
Launch of the online course on journalism for coexistence

Launch of the online course on journalism for coexistence

The Studies & Economic Media Center (SEMC), in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), has launched a ...
SEMC Demands End to Division in CBY Decisions

SEMC Demands End to Division in CBY Decisions

The Studies and Economic Media Center called for the necessity to end the division in the management of monetary policy in the country and to cancel ...

Economic Reform Team releases policy paper on alleviation of Yemeni Crisis

The Economic Reform Team, representing the Yemeni private sector, has released a policy paper on the mitigation of the Yemeni humanitarian by undertak ...

Launching a Policy Paper on Parallel Market and CBY Monitoring Role

"استعادة دور البنوك التجارية في تمويل الواردات ، والسيطرة على العرض النقدي ، وجذب واستثمار تحويلات المهاجرين" ، هذه ثلاثة حلول بديلة في "ورقة السياسة ...
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